Hey y’all! Welcome back to Tarot Tuesday + Happy Lunar NEW YEAR!
Here’s the weekly Tarot Tuesday Collab playlist.
This semester Compassion in Action will be helping me host Tarot Tuesday.
In addition, I will be returning to the usual Tarot Tuesday blog posts. I want to set the intention that these blog posts are for YOU. The ideas we discuss our own thoughts and collective wisdom… and if you feel called to reflect on them, the cards could be good journaling and meditation prompts. Or maybe your intention with Tarot Tuesday is to learn through my own interpretations. Or perhaps you are attempting to manifest and utilize magic… tonight’s collective could be a good opportunity to journal down your own thoughts.
Lately I’ve been trying to embody the Magician card. It feels like the perfect card to be in alignment with our magical powers and resources for this Lunar New Year/Aquarius New Moon. It’s time to plant the seeds for the things you want to bring in this year. How will you attract?
The Lunar New Year is bringing forth the Water Rabbit, who represents peace, empathy, and introspection. The Rabbit is thoughtful and conservative in it’s decision-making. The Rabbit approaches things in an intentional, wise way.
There’s potential for PEACE for you this year… and I’m here for it! My advice and interpretation? Visualize what peace looks like for you. Then visualize peace for the collective.
Tonight the moon is beginning to wax from our first new moon of the year. I am joined by Meira, Nicole, and Luna under the Pisces Moon…
Coming from the first WMCN staff meeting of spring semester, Luna and I began the Tarot Tuesday conversation talking about dreams.
I’ve been trying to lucid dream for the past month, but I’ve been struggling to figure out where to even begin. I’ve been listening to my body more by taking a T-break from substances to get a clearer mind. It’s working, but my dreams are WEIRD AF. Stressed out in the dish room at my job, I saw a racoon in my dreams. I later found out that it means I need to pay attention to where I am putting my energy in my waking life. The racoon also represents theft, and I must confess that I stole a gallon of milk from my job. At the same time, I can’t help but think that my job robs me of my good vibes and energy. That the service industry robs many others of their energy. That capitalism robs us of our understanding of wealth and abundance. But still, I took something that I didn’t necessarily need to take. The racoon haunting me was real asf and this is me attempting to be real with y’all. Lol.
Dreamy Pisces challenges us to think about what areas we might want to expand on. The best place to start is your dreams. What are your fantasies? What are your desires? Intuitive Pisces wants us to discover ourselves. So, upon reflecting on your dreams, what is it that you are seeing in your dreams, and how can you bring them to life? And if your dreams are feeling off or just disturbing, how are you responding in your real life, to take care of your body and your anxieties?
I wouldn’t say I am a master of lucid dreaming but I’d like to feel more in control of this space and time when I am asleep. Let me know if any of y’all have any tips on this. I’m curious.
Mantras and agendas I had written down for the Aquarius Season + the New Moon that was on 1/22:
- I am ready for new beginnings.
- I claim my freedom by letting go of what no longer serves me.
- I claim my space.
- I am planting the seeds for a transformative year.
- I allow myself to transform with the moon in this lunar new year.
- It’s time to break out of old habits.
- My individuality is what drives my revolutionary ideas.
Now that we’re thinking like Aquarius, let’s get into the reading.
Intuitive tarot reading is about going with the flow. Without seeing the Muse Tarot Deck before, I had Luna look through the Muse Tarot and pull from the images that were speaking to her. Here’s what we got:
Where and when are you seeking validation? When you feel attacked, where do you retreat? Consider how you take up space and allow yourself to make room for your ideas. Stand up for what you believe in + protect your energy.
What is fair to you and what is fair the people around you? Pay attention to when things are unbalanced and consider the cause and effect of your actions. When you are ready to take up space, remember that you are also taking up responsibility with that space. Whether that is for yourself or for others, you owe it to remain just and balanced. Justice will be served one way or another. That’s how karma works.
This card is talking about responsibility again. Are you taking on too much? Reflect on what you are holding on to… it’s time seek out other paths that are here to guide and support you.
Luna picked out this image because she saw the same lady in the 10 of inspiration in the Heirophant card. It’s giving pilgrammage. Now is the time to seek the guru within.
The Hierophant is telling you to go on that pilgrimage. A spiritual journey. A journey of self-discovery. This might be the year to explore an aspect of yourself that is yet to be discovered. This could be diving deep into a fear you have. Stepping out of your comfort zone. Tap into your spiritual wisdom, your belief systems, your traditions. The Hierophant will lead you to where you need to go.
The Muse of Inspiration is saying that this spiritual journey of you getting out of your comfort zone and letting go of your old ways, is going to inspire you in the best way possible.
The Muse of Inspiration is a VISIONARY. It’s giving big Aquarius energy. Don’t be afraid to think on a large scale. Who inspires you? How can you embody the energy they have so that you can inspire others too?
If all goes well, this could bring some long-term success for your new year.
Undoubtedly, you are going to go through some difficult transitions. This card signals that help is coming from unexpected places.
You don’t have to be alone in dealing with these difficult transitions. You have Tarot Tuesday community here for you, Compassion in Action community here for you, and Me, I am here for you. Allow yourself to honor change and remember that you can honor change with others. Let’s vibrate higher and louder as a collective through the hard times.
Luna picked a great final card. The Page of Emotions. This is creative, playful energy. Ask yourself where you seek joy? Treat those moments of joy as opportunities to energize yourself. The Page of Emotions is also poetic and artistic. Consider channeling your joy into some art or poetry.
I love this card in this deck. The mantra the author gives is “Living a Magical life is a choice”. We talked a lot about how living a magical life requires you to be imaginative. Be creative when thinking about what you want to manifest this year, this season, or maybe even just this week.
Put all of your heart into your ideas and dreams. Allow joy to drive you in to places of creativity this Aquarius season. The experience of JOY is compassion in action…
E1evenE1evenTarot wants your wishes to come true.
Macalester Compassion in Action is part of a national movement of students working to create a more just and compassionate world through the power of meditation, community building, and social change.
Through learning circles and community spaces we hope to…
- Inspire a community of like-minded students engaged in personal development and social change
- Learn Tibetan Buddhist meditation practices, traditions, and histories
- Play! Opening leaderful spaces of joy, creativity, and spiritual curiosity
- Work towards mutual benefit for all, through inner work engage outer change
Mac CiA will meet in the Upper level of the Macalester Chapel/CRSL this Thursday at 6pm.
Thanks for tuning in. Hope some of this resonates with the collective.
Hope to see you there.
With love,
DJ Sara, Smile
Rel1g1ous Th0t
Sara Gregor 🙂
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