Tarot Tuesday season 3 episode 2.
Full Moon in Pisces was emotional. You had to do some heavy letting go. it’s not easy! you are emotionally invested!
But the moon moves in cycles. It’s rebirth after rebirth baby!
We are centering this reading on the Queen of Cups. I’ve been pulling it a lot lately and there’s no coincidence here…
Who is the Queen of Cups?
The queen knows how to give love to herself and to the people she cares for. The queen is compassionate and has a huge heart. The queen is a mature feminine energy who models kindness, care and support. She appreciates BEAUTY.
She’s also psychic and intuitive. This is because of her tender heart and capacity to hold space for people. She can always tell when somethings wrong.
This reading is about the Queen of Cups reawakening in us all. Having joyful, meaningful connections.
I love people! And with that I need to be able to tell people how I feel. I want to share my love with others. But I have to master this by balancing love for myself.
The most important aspect of the Queen of cups is her ability to hold space for herself. It’s time for more self-love and self-care. And it’s time to connect with the power of your compassionate feminine nature. Feminine nature is necessary for meaningful relationships.
Short poem type thing I wrote.
I long to swim in a sea of emotions.
To be aroused by the tentacles of human experience.
I long to be connected with all of LIFE.
I create from the HEART.
AND that is what makes my expression so genuine, so pure.
I feel deeply.
I am the queen of emotions;
the queen of cups;
i hold space for you
I hold space for me
I flow back in to the sea of emotions
because that is where I long to be
connected to the depths of the spiritual plane.
connected to life
connected 2 u

The Fool…
A new beginning is being offered to us. What may that be? The fool invites you to be free-spirited and to step in to the unknown…
The High Priestess REVERSED
Direct your intuition inward. Listen to your own voice and your own wisdom. Do you struggle to trust your own intuition?
Justice reversed
You are hiding some sort of secret from the people around you. That’s unfair. You must own up to the mistakes you’ve made in the past. Forgive yourself too. You have been critical of yourself lately. Accept and love who you are.
Three of Cups!
Celebrate friendship! Community! Creativity! Collaboration! Keep surrounding yourself with this camaraderie. It is truly a magical thing.
6 of cups reversed
You are living in the past. Get out and play! Activate your inner child.\. Do what makes you happy.
4 of cups
More cups are appearing, teaching us a lot about our feelings…You may be bored and dissatisfied with where things are at in your life right now. Let me describe the visuals of this card. Picture yourself are sitting under a tree, staring at 3 cups maybe asking yourself, what does life have to offer me? A hand emerges from the cloud offering a fourth cup, suggesting that you too are a blessing and also have a lot to offer to life.
Queen of Pentacles
You are on your way to creating financial abundance. You know what materials you need to make yourself happy. It’s nice to have things and also be able to provide things to the people you love. The Queen of pentacles and Queen of cups create a beautiful friendship in this reading.
Queen swords reversed
The Queen of swords is dead! Your power comes from your resources and your compassion. The queen of swords is conflicting our queen of cups.
The Queen of Swords is especially helpful with finding mental clarity. But we already came to terms with what the issue is. (We pulled her last week too and affirmed her Empress energy!) We don’t need the Queen of swords right now. She is badass but her spirit is not necessary at this time.
Ace of Cups reversed
This is the same cup the queen holds! She beholds one cup because she can only offer one thing at a time. The ace of cups is bringing us back to the most important thing for fulfillment and that is self-love! Love and relationships will flow your way when you master this.
I think this card speaks for itself. You are strong, you embody confidence and you are ready for what’s to come your way!
Eight of Wands
Keep it moving! You have a lot to do. Things are going to feel like they are moving fast AF! Especially during a retrograde. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to whatever task you have in mind with total concentration, determination and will. That task could be anything with strength on your side, but the first task is self-love.
The “fortune” I am here to tell you tonight is …
you will accomplish a lot in a short amount time,
choose how you spend it wisely.
good luck! stay proud of yourself!
-rel1g1ous th0t
P.S. I’ll be gone next week to see Arlo Parks. TBD on who’s filling in!
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