nelmo2024 plays the whole album

Show Times

Timezone: CST [UTC-6]
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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About the Show

Hello and welcome to nelmo2024 plays the whole album, where indeed, nelmo2024 will play the whole entire album! With artist and song research commentary, crafted narratives to set the tone, and accompanying songs to match the story of the album of the week, nelmo2024 will create the perfect atmosphere to sink deeply into the album. If you’re anything like me, people have always been telling me that I HAVe to listen to the whole album, which I find scary to do alone — what if it’s boring? What if the music awakens something evil in me? Fear not! nelmo2024 will delve into the masterpiece albums of the contemporary pop and indie pop sphere, as a guide and friend in the deep, dark forest that is… the WHOLE ALBUM!

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